Patrick Skals is a Canadian born conceptual artist residing in Toronto, Canada. In 2020, after 10 years employed in corporate marketing, he decided to make a major career shift in pursuit of his artistic & entrepreneurial ambitions.

Always operating on the ethos of experimentation and disruption, Patrick’s current body of work titled In Other Words delivers a distinctive and unapologetic style that speaks volumes. Patrick’s work fuses abstraction & language, intended to challenge social norms, reframe common perspectives, and expose overlooked ones. By tackling psychocultural topics, the viewer is encouraged to confront subjects by applying life experiences and subconscious drivers.

Although non-confrontational by nature, Patrick’s work emboldens him to express satirical and subversive commentary on contemporary culture. Authenticity is at the heart of each painting, feeling as impulsive as they do calculated. The viewer is invited to feel the vulnerability of an artist battling with himself and his environment.

Patrick’s work can be found at juried shows, commercial galleries, and private collections throughout North America and Europe.


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