Laurie Gruer paints memories. Of places seen or imagined. Of snapshots experienced; apples on a tree, flowers in a vase, a gaze from a window. Interiors glimpsed. Or people in a photograph that is slowly fading. Sometimes the memories are his. Sometimes the imagined memories of others.
“Sometimes people ask me why I like to paint. The simple answer is that it makes me happy. It gives me pleasure. When I look back on my work over many years, I realize my paintings are a way of marking moments in time, memories, and recording people’s feelings at specific milestones. Even a still life captures a definite moment, as do landscapes as the world shifts around us. For many years I have painted interiors and they, too, are temporal; tomorrow the vase of tulips could be moved out of sight. The painting becomes a record.
Most recently I have been painting people, usually as simplified forms in simplified settings. In these paintings I am trying to capture a moment in time, or the passage of time. I care less about a detailed resemblance than I do about the form. I hope you will be moved in some way.”
Laurie has studied painting in Canada and internationally. His work has been shown widely within the region, and is represented in numerous private collections. Laurie Gruer lives and creates in Prince Edward County.